Euroregion Elbe/Labe

Euroregion Elbe / Labe lies in the Czech-German borderland on the eastern edge of the EU. This region includes the western part of North Bohemia with the National Park Czech Switzerland, the region along the Labe river, and the eastern part of the mountain range called Krušné hory. On the German side it is the western part of the mountain range Krušné hory (Erz Gebirge), the southeast Saxony, and the National Park Saxon Switzerland. This region spreads on the area of 5,547 square kilometres; the population is about1 500 000 inhabitants.

Euroregion Elbe/ Labe was established to support mutual confidence, and Czech-German collaboration in various parts of social life. The base for these has been for centuries developing relationship among people regardless different nationalities. The main goal of this all is the new life in future united Europe.

The members of this union of towns and villages called Euroregion Labe with its seat in Ústí nad Labem on the Czech side are mostly from the districts of Teplice, Ústí nad Labem, Děčín and Litoměřice. They collaborate with the members of similar union in the Saxon Federal Republic in Germany and take part in voluntary activities within the Euroregion Elbe / Labe and its administration.

The support of development and collaboration in the fields of land and regional planning, the environment, economy, infrastructure crossing the frontier; preventing fires, natural disasters, industrial disasters; transportation, tourism, culture, sport; as well as supporting mutual meeting of the citizens of the Eroregion Labe / Elbe, belong among the main tasks of the Euroregion Labe Organisation.
